What’s My Prompt? Day 25: Favorite Clothes

Jeff J.
2 min readDec 25, 2020

The Prompt: Write about memories attached to your fave article of clothing

Yellow sweater season. A time that occurs every Fall and Spring on college campuses on Long Island and NYC. When you see the sweaters, you know men of distinction are in your presence. The radiant yellowish-gold signifies struggle. Progress. Lineage. Legacy. Phoenician-Greek letters “ΑΦΑ” emblazoned across the chest with a majestic coast-of-arms underneath. On the back resides the name of the owner and the number which starts as an identifier and transforms into your personal rank. This sweater, worn by members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated is first presented on Day 1 as a new member, and traditionally worn on every crossing day — representing crossing the burning sands into Greekdom — to celebrate your Alphaversary.

So may memories, so little time. One memory in particular was my first Alpha act after adorning the sweater and becoming a “made man” — the entrance into Hofstra USA for the first time as an Alpha brother. The music stopped, I marched in, and was hoisted on my brothers shoulders in celebration of an accomplishment which would define that decade of my life. Through every trial, challenge, and doubt, I was still here. That crossing party is still a top cherished memory I have from my time as a brother. While college days swiftly pass, and the recollection slowly fades away, the memories imbued in that sweater are eternal. If my memory ever gets fuzzy, that sweater will unlock the euphoric archives and I’ll have so much fun reliving my times. It’s stored safely now, but never forgotten. Those times, like that Yellow Sweater will remain indelible forever.

Salute Stacey for today’s prompt, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



Jeff J.

Digital Media Alchemist. Conversation Curator. Culture Amplifier. Author. Storyteller.